Sunday, January 31, 2010


Some friends are for a season..some are for a lifetime..and some are forever. -Dani

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inspirational thoughts for my screenwrite

said to Melissa...
In highschool I didn’t know who I was. All I knew is that I loved writing. The only grasp I had of reality was Dani.

On my Mind...

Monday, January 18, 2010

I heart you

I heart you
That was nice of you. I heart you like fine wine and you heart me like art and work.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I have a slight Obsession with Vintage Chandeliers

I want five, no at lease 10 in the living room of my house one day..I have a fatty one sitting in my room waiting to be hung that I got at Sweet Pea in San Juan Bautista...I LOVE that place...if I could buy everything in that antique store I would...

Danielle and Michelle

Thanks God..for letting me see this side of best friend growing up..our friendship is timeless..and no one but us really knows what happens behind closed doors... this movie has quite a few paralles...and I absolutely love the photography and director....thanks for the inspiration last night. I'm blessed to have you as a best friend...the kind you only find once in a lifetime

Some Vintage Vogue

"The Day Before" on SUNDANCE...Sonia Rykiel

This show is fashion in it's rawest...up to the very last minute changes are made..hmm sounds a lot like my life

Alexander Wang spring 09..some visual goodness

#1 head in one full-lengthed movie...


Some Brand New Vogue...wearing pajamas I made in Highschool..Everett Alverez

Dani...Kristen Stewart 100%

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh Lolita...

I love this actress she reminds me a little of Kristen Stewart...i think beauty is defined differently for everyone..but I love girls who aren't conventionally pretty..but are still beautiful. Uniqueness always stands out to me. I also love the fashion and phototgraphy in this movie

One of my favorite movies of all time Marnie..

Marnie..and the 60s makeup and hair is seamless in this movie..I LOVE YOU HITCHCOCK. you are an artist


Champagne with Cynthia...

Some People pop in your life again right at the perfect moment and it's like nothing had changed...I believe God has a purpose for everyone..and sometimes he draws the most perfect moments and people together..I love you Cynthia Riddell!!